Board of Directors Approved 01/03/08
December 6, 2007

Present: Williams, Hon. James F. Moelk, Gerhardt, Hotaling, Fisher, Curtola, Tauber, Angen, Martin, Capozzo, Sottana

Newly Elected: Wray

Guest: Bill Fell

The meeting commenced at 6:30 p.m.

Minutes of November 1, 2007
Fisher motioned to approve, Hotaling seconded. The motion carried.

North East Bay Association of Country Clubs (NEB) – Bill Fell
Fell reported that the November 13, 2007 NEB meeting was held at Santa Rosa Country Club. The guest speaker at the meeting was Ron Read. He spoke on his research of demographics in private clubs in an attempt to find out what drives membership. Overall, members are looking for a family atmosphere.

Proposed By-Laws Amendment
The proposed By-Law amendment to allow tennis privileges to Associate members failed (yes 140 / 77 no). Based on the grand total response of 217 votes, the minimum number of “yes” votes required was 145. The ballot failed by five votes for lack of a two-thirds approval.

President’s Report
Sprint/Nextel: GVCC asked Sprint/Nextel to waive GVCC responsibility in the event of any future problems with the conduit crossing #15 fairway. The current depth of the conduit crossing #15 fairway is 36" deep and GVCC does not want to be responsible for any disturbance of the electrical or communication to the Nextel service. Also, GVCC would like to slightly relocate the tower/tree closer to the maintenance facility fence line.
SID: The SID pipeline for the new water service has been pressurized with no problems. The pipeline will be flushed on December 17, 2007. There are no final costs available. It is anticipated that there will be additional costs associated with the engineering of the project.

Treasurer’s Report
The Board reviewed the monthly and cumulative cash flow. If we continue to meet budget in November and December 2007, the operational assessment will be approximately $160.00 per membership.

2008 Operational Budget: After a brief discussion, Fisher motioned to adopt the 2008 operational budget as presented by the Budget & Finance committee. The 2008 monthly dues will be $419.00 per proprietary membership, per month (half to Associate and Social memberships) to fund the break even budget. Hotaling seconded, the motion carried (yes 6 / no 2).
Angen motioned to keep the 2008 operational dues at the 2007 level, Tauber seconded. Gerhardt explained that reasonable revenue expectations from member use, and outside use will not allow us to keep the dues at the 2007 level. Angen and Tauber feel staffing levels should be reviewed. Capozzo suggested scheduling a separate meeting to discuss staffing. The motion failed (6 no / 2 yes).

Membership Sales & Notations
Proprietary: Robert & Annemarie Lando and Claude Lowen.
Social: William & Phyllis Hinson.
Martin motioned to approve the applicants for membership. Angen seconded, the motion carried. The Board took note of six Notice To Sell forms, and three reductions in the asking price of memberships.

Committee Reports
Green: The committee discussed the proposed modification to #2, removing the dying Aleppo pine trees, a couple other trees and installing 3 bunkers on the green side of the creek. The committee agreed with the concept, with the main discussion about whether the bunker on the right is necessary, and the design and location of the bunkers on the left. All agreed the bunkers on the left should be designed as “penal,” or difficult to recover from, to discourage the long hitters from challenging them and protecting the hole. Ray pointed out the bunker on the right was strongly recommended by the Golf Course architect to frame the hole properly.
The committee voted 5 to 1 in favor of the hole design as presented as long as there is some flexibility in actual bunker location once the trees are removed. The one vote against (Betsy Martin) was not against the concept, only the inclusion of the bunker on the right. Betsy believes this bunker will make the hole too difficult for the shorter hitters and the women.

A member is requesting to have several Bay trees removed, at his expense, from behind his house adjacent to the golf course. The trees are on GVCC property. The member has a concern regarding the recent Oak tree sudden death disease that has been as issue in the Rockville highlands. The Bay tree serves as a host plant for this disease organism that can infect and kill the California Live Oak trees. Angen motioned to accept the offer to remove the Bay trees at the member’s expense, and under Story’s supervision. Fisher seconded, the motion carried.

Angen asked the Board to approve fairway bunkers on hole #2. Fisher stated this project is in the 2008 CIF.

The committee is requesting the Board to accept the red flag rules and the golf professional’s reduced tournament schedule. Hon. James F. Moelk motioned to accept, Hotaling seconded. Angen questioned whether the golf pro’s schedule allowed his presence at Club events. After further discussion, Hon. James F. Moelk amended his motion to approve only the red flag rules and wait until the January Board meeting to review the golf professional’s schedule. Hotaling seconded, the motion carried.
Tennis: A goal for the 2007 year was to have nine social events. Twelve were held. Adult league play has increased. Communication has also increased by submitting more articles and photos in the KEY, and the use of email. Angen and Tauber questioned employee use of time at the tennis facility. The concerns will be forwarded to the Tennis Committee.
Membership: Reviewed and forwarded prospective membership applications to the Board of Directors for approval.
F&B: Fewer comments cards were submitted than in prior months. Of the 153 cards submitted, eight had negative comments. Overall, members felt service has improved, but there is still inconsistency with the food. The chef will address these concerns. In March, Capozzo began searching for a food and beverage or restaurant manager for the Terrace. He plans to have two candidates return for a second interview. The Egg Nog Social was well received. More advertising is needed for this event next year. This will be referred to the 2008 Social Committee. There was a discussion on a recent wedding held at the Club as well as a women’s guest day held in October. Management sent letters to the members involved.
Finance: The committee recommends that the Board of Directors keep the cost of the employee manuals and the Sprint/Nextel attorney fees in the operational budget.
By-Laws: The proposed amendment for By-Laws section 7.5 delinquent accounts and financial irresponsibility, has been tabled until the January Board meeting.
Long Range: The committee is requesting the Board to accept the plan for 2007. Gerhardt motioned to accept, Fisher seconded. The motion carried.

2008 CIF
Fisher motioned to authorize $125,000 which includes the remaining amount for the software and server upgrade, for phase I of the 2008 CIF. Capozzo is to prioritize the phase I list for Board approval at their January meeting. Hotaling seconded, the motion carried. One opposed.

Old & New Business
A member is 120 days delinquent, and has an on going problem keeping their account current. The member sent a letter requesting the Board not to sell the membership as the member can make a partial payment and will have the account current in January 2008. The Board of Directors agreed to accept the partial payment with the condition that the account balance paid in full by the end of January 2008, or the Board will be forced to sell the membership. Further, if the account continues to be delinquent, it is expected that the member will sell the membership to avoid parting under disagreeable circumstances.

There being no further business, Gerhardt motioned to adjourn, Hotaling seconded. The motion carried 8:24 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Trey Curtola, Secretary


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